Is using a credit repair agency legal? Yes, but the government and the three credit bureaus like to muddy the water on this issue, and they’re partly correct. There are a tom of companies, people, and websites that say they can repair your credit and MOST of them are scams that will only leave you pockets a little emptier. Before using any credit repair company you should do and exhaustive research about what they are offering, how they are offering it and what (if any) are their guarantees. Be leery if ANY company offering you a new credit file, Perfect credit or some “Pie-in-the-sky” timeframes. Credit repair takes time, but with the right firm, that time can be shortened drastically.
Credit repair agencies are normally (though not always) unable to clean your credit. My initial search on repairing my credit was with one of these agencies. They charged me $29 and said my credit would be perfect within three months. Three months later I was out of $29 dollars and my credit was exactly the same. I was angry and disappointed to say the least. Ohh… and the agency mysteriously disappeared… no website, no number, nothing!
It took a while before I finally stumbled upon a “firm” that looked legitimate. I did extensive research and then waited another year before I actually signed up. The difference with this “firm” is tat they were a real legal firm that had tons of proof to back up their amazing clams. I followed their instructions (though I did so half-assed) and six-months later my score had jumped substantially and I had numerous items on all three of my reports from each bureau deleted. I used them for two more months before it became evident that they had done all they could. While they “cleaned” my credit, that was just the beginning to getting my score to the point it’s at now.
Written by Mark Redd at
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